CQ Graffiti Survey Results
In recent months, we have been liaising with some businesses and statutory agencies in relation to the issue of graffiti in Cathedral Quarter and, indeed, across the city. Here, we look at our recent graffiti survey results.
The cost of graffiti is not only financial, in terms of its removal, but it also involves a reputational cost to the aesthetic of the area. As part of the Cathedral Quarter BID Clean Team service, we regularly remove graffiti across CQ which our businesses report through to us – in addition to Belfast City Council, statutory bodies, and businesses themselves grappling with the issue.
We want to continue to lobby to have the problem adequately addressed.
Following discussions with a number of businesses on whose properties graffiti recently appeared, we issued a survey to our members to quantify the extent of the problem. Some of the key findings from the graffiti survey results are as follows:
- Almost 85% of responses indicated their property had been affected by graffiti in the past 6 months.
- The majority of instances (77%) involved ‘tagging’ (marking an area with a name, symbol, or signature).
- 65% of those who responded thought the PSNI gave the issue zero to low priority in terms of prevention and prosecution.
CQ BID Manager Damien Corr took the graffiti survey results to a number of statutory bodies, including Belfast City Council and the PSNI, and we will continue to lobby for a better response to the issue and keep our business members informed of progress.