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Summer’s Hottest Ticket

Belfast TradFest, the pinnacle of world-class traditional music concerts, fiery pub sessions & Ireland’s fastest growing summer school of traditional music, is set to celebrate its 5th edition this July across Belfast UNESCO City of Music. They mark this milestone with their most ambitious programme of music yet, that will be showcased between Sunday 23rd July – Sunday 30th July 2023.

Cathedral Quarter Business Improvement District (CQ BID) is delighted to continue our sponsorship of the annual TradFest and Summer School which gets underway later this month. Described as “the pinnacle of world class traditional music concerts, fiery pub sessions and Irelands fastest growing summer school of traditional music”, it must be the hottest summer ticket!

Tradfest is fast becoming one of the key cultural events in the City’s calendar, celebrating and acknowledging the cultural diversity of the different traditions in Northern Ireland. The festival runs from 23rd July to 30th July and attracts visitors and performers from across Ireland, UK and Europe. No wonder we are a UNESCO City of Music!

Dónal O’Connor, Belfast TradFest Artistic Director, commented: “Belfast TradFest is delighted with the continued support from Destination CQ. With many of our festival events and activities happening in and around this historic quarter, festival participants and visitors will enjoy the unique experience and authentic character of this beautiful Belfast city centre destination.”

CQ BID typically sponsors around 12 festivals in the Cathedral Quarter every year. These events bring additional footfall in the tens of thousands and are a jewel in our City’s Cultural Crown. The significant increase in footfall presents an obvious opportunity for CQ Businesses and is tangible proof of how Arts and Business can support each other.

Speaking to UTV Live ahead of the festival, BID Manager Damien Corr highlighted: ‘Belfast TradFest is expected to attract an audience of over 16,000 and will generate at least £2m in revenue for the city.’

View the full interview here:

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