CQ Bid news detail

"Belfast's Cathedral Quarter is the city's buzzing, creative soul"

Cathedral Quarter News

The rebranded Belfast City Centre Gift Card

The rebranded Belfast City Centre Gift Card comes into effect from 15th July. Participating businesses which accept the gift card can still accept the old-style gift card alongside the new one.
It is the exact same card you know and love, just with a new look!
Support Local Businesses with the Belfast City Centre Gift Card

The Belfast City Centre Gift Card (Belfast One BID, Linen Quarter BID and Destination CQ) makes the perfect staff reward or incentive, with over 220 participating businesses, having done over £414,742 in sales since 2019!

Your employees will be able to spend their gift card in local independent shops, big brands, cafes, restaurants, bars and venues. Meanwhile you will ensure the spend stays in the local economy, driving footfall onto the High Street and helping to make your city a successful, vibrant place to be based. Let’s help to #giftthecity

Business members of Cathedral Quarter Business Improvement District (BID) can sign up for free by contacting Damien on 07999 172329 or at